Gravedigger, when you dig my grave, could you make it shallow so that I can feel the rain?

That song just happens to be whats playing right now. And as usual, I couldn't think of a title. I guess some things never change. But some things really do. Like... life plans and goals for instance. Wow. I don't train anymore. Probably won't ever train in Musado again. Long story there. I keep going back and forth on whether I'm gonna find a new school, or a new hobby altogether or what. We'll see.

I don't work at Bath and Body Works anymore either. That didn't last long at all actually. Haha. Funny story there. If you want to know, ask. I'm not going to share it now though. Now I'm getting ready to start working at the Medina Hospice as a STNA. Yeah that's right. I took a 2 week, 8 hour a day killer course that allowed me to test for my Nurses Aide license. Took the class on the advice of a family friend and it was a super good decision. Cause I really had no plan at that point (it was right after Musado ceased to be a part of my life). Now I have a ton of options for real good work, and also a plan to go back to school and at least get my LPN, if not my RN (at least that's the plan for now. I change my mind every 2 weeks or so. Haha). So yeah, pretty drastic change from where I was last time I posted.

Actually, I did go back to training for a couple months between my last post and this one. Not very long but I was able to learn the rest of my 4th gup curriculum so I guess that counts for something. Oh, I also got to be a general for War Games. My team was the Monkeys (I think.. haha I can't remember how sad is that. And I could look it up but I don't feel like getting out of bed. Even more sad). My team kicked butt. I had a lot of worries and doubts about being able to do it after a two month break from training but I had an amazing group of people working with me, including both of my bros which really was cool, first time we were on a team together. Anyways, we won by a lot. Not that I mean to brag really. I didn't do anything actually I stayed at camp for most of the day. My team was just good. A great group of kids. The only bragging rights I have are choosing them for my team really. The rest was all them.

Yeah but War Games was really the last hooray for me. Shortly after that everything kinda fell apart and the rest as the say is history, or will be someday. I dunno how that works. Anywho...

Um.... so yeah. A lots changed but really I think that about covers it. No more martial arts. I'm getting ready to start a real life, full time, 8 hours a day 5 days a week job. That pays real nice. I realllyyy am not interested in getting into the nitty gritty details of the summer. Not the best I'll just say that. I'm just gonna start fresh here, and see what happens.

I'll try to start updating again. I may use that model I was using in the beginning for my posts or whatever. We'll see how much time I have when I start working again. I just miss writing so I decided to come back here and give it a shot. We'll see how it goes.


(yeah I'm about as good at conclusions as I am at figuring out titles/subject lines. lol. you all know that by now though.)


  1. I love you and am very proud of you. Is that okay to say on a 20 year old adult female's blog? From her father? Not sure, anyway, that is the way it is, if you have a problem with that, make an appointment. :)

  2. Its completely acceptable Jim!! I also want to say that I think the nurse thing sounds awesome! You would be a wonderful nurse to have! You have the ability to bless sooo many lives doing it! Love from the Will Bosco's!!

  3. Thanks guys! Sorry it took me so long to see these comments. I don't do very good at keeping up with things. =/


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