finding beauty in negative spaces

Well it's been a little while since I've written anything, and I have some time to kill so I'm going to try to do a quick update on life right now.

I just finished up my second week of being back at school.  I'm attending the University of Akron (commuting for now).  I'm officially a fine art major, which is kind of fun to tell people.  It makes me feel all special and, well, artsy.  But really my major is Graphic Design.  I'm taking 3 1/2 classes this semester: Into to Design, Foundation 2D Design, Visual Arts Awareness and a Volleyball class (my half class is the volleyball class, it only takes up half the semester and is only half a credit).  I think it's a good number of classes to start out with and a good amount of work to get back into the swing of things.  Judging by the first two weeks, I like my classes pretty well.  I like my professors, which is important I think to how the classes themselves go.  They are good teachers (though a tad bit confusing at times) and know what they are talking about.  It's good to be doing something in life again.  Getting a job would be super as well but that's still a work in progress.  For now, school is what takes up most of my time which is alright.  Other then that though, I really don't have anything else to update on.  Other then I got a new car ('97 (I think... can't remember now) Honda Civic, 5 speed) and can now officially drive a stick shift which is cool.

Just a quick note about my title.  Something that my 2D Design teacher has been talking about alot is using negative space (which would usually be like, the "background" of a picture) and positive space (which is the "object" in a picture, generically speaking) and not just focusing on the object.  It's something that I'd never really thought about before but it makes a huge difference when you intentionally manipulate the negative space.  Anyways, I was listening to music the other day (probably when I was supposed to be working on homework) and I came across the title of Seether's new album, which is Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces.  *Disclaimer* I don't have this album, and I'm not suggesting it or anything.  I do like the band though...  Anyways after seeing that I thought it was a really cool quote, not only about art, but also about life too.  To me, it's along the lines of "count it all joy."  Even when situations and times in life can seem to be totally negative and sucky, those times are important and can make the big picture a lot better in the long run.  But you got to look for the beauty in those moments.  Negative space doesn't just magically turn in to looking like something cool, you have to make an effort to find and create the design and purpose in it.  But there can be beauty and importance there.  I ended up using that line in a project so it was kinda helpful in that way too cause I had no idea what I wanted to do for that particular thing.  Here it is...

So anyways, those are my words of wisdom for today.  Someday I'd like to be able to come up with my own little sayings like that to write about but for now I will just continue to comment on what strikes me as I go through my days.


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