Dear Verizon Wireless

Dear Verizon Wireless,

Is it really necessary to charge and extra $10.00 for a data pack on non-smart phones, when I don't want to use any data?!?  I understand that these phones (specifically, the EnV 3 and EnV Touch) are capable of getting email now, however, it seems to me that just because these phones have this capability, doesn't mean that people HAVE to access their email on their phones.  And since accessing email isn't a requirement of having one of these phones, then it seems to me that having a $10 data plan shouldn't be a requirement either!  It seems to me that if someone wants to access their email, they would then be able to pay the extra money to have that service, just like people can pay extra if they want to add more minutes, or have a higher text limit, but they don't have to if they aren't going to be using those services!  

As much as I would really like to upgrade my phone to and EnV 3 in the next couple of weeks, I REFUSE to do so because I do not want to use my phone for anything requiring a data package, therefore I'm not going to pay the extra money for it.  If at some point the word optional enters into your vocabulary, I will then be quite happy to upgrade and buy a new phone.  Until then, I will stick with my EnV 2 despite how annoying it is not to have threaded messaging.

A Frustrated Customer


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