Some Belated Giving of Thanks

I know that Thanksgiving has come and gone and many people have moved along into the Christmas spirit by now (I'll admit to being one of those many.  Christmas music practically started playing the minute we finished Thanksgiving dinner.)  But I wanted to take some time none the less to reflect on my Thanksgiving break as a whole this year, because it was pretty spectacular.

I have much to be thankful for in my life.  I am constantly thankful for my roomates and the fact that we get along so well.  I know this is not always the case, but I have been very lucky/blessed as far as people I have to live with goes.  None of us are perfect.  But I think that we all three understand that and accept it and, at least for my part, we're willing to overlook the bad because it is far out weighed by the good.  I'm also thankful to be here at Judson in general, and to be doing fairly well here.  This semester has had its challenges like any other, but I am really enjoying my time here, learning alot and hopefully growing into a well rounded human being.  I am also extremely thankful for my family.  I am so glad at how close we have become, even though distance wise we are spread further apart then ever.  I think perhaps the distance has helped us appreciate each other a little more then before.  It is interesting to look back and think of all the times that my brothers (or parents.  But don't tell them...) drove me crazy and all I wanted to do was to spend less time with them.  Now I am excited for any oppertunity I have to go home and to see my family.

Speaking of which, I had the oppertunity to go home for Thanksgiving break this past week, and I have to say it was one of the best Thanksgiving's I've had in a few years (ever since our whole family on Mom's side got together at our Aunt Pam's house).  The break didn't really get off to a great start.  I flew home out of Midway airport, and I probably should have left school a little earlier then I did.  I got stuck in Chicago traffic, and then had some troubles finding parking.  And of course the bus that took me to the terminal from the parking lot had to circle the WHOLE lot before finally going to the terminal.  I ended up checking into my flight 45 minutes before it was scheduled to leave, and was warned that because of the time my bag may or may not make it on the flight.  Thankfully I got through security fairly quickly and without any set backs and made it to my gate as the first class passengers were boarding.  I even had some time to sit before my section got called to board.  So I made it on the plane, but barely.  The plane ride itself wasn't the best I've ever had.  There was a crying baby a few rows away from me, and the weather was bad so the trip was a little bumpy.  And for some reason my ears didn't want to adjust to the air pressure which made the trip a little unpleasant.  When we finally arrived in Cleveland we had to circle the airport for a few minutes because of bad winds.  At that point I was ready to either throw myself or the baby off of the plane.  However, we arrived safely without any real problems and so over all it was a succesful flight.

It didn't take very long for my break to improve though.  As we were driving home from the airport my Dad got a text from my brother and my parents were eventually forced to inform me that Matt was coming home for Thanksgiving.  So we drove from Cleveland down to the north side of Columbus in order to pick him up.  It was a great surprise for me, and he surprised his fiancee as well.  It was great to not be the only kid home for the holiday.  And it was so nice to get to see Matt again before he leaves for Afghanistan at the beginning of December.

Then on Thanksgiving day we got to talk to Sam on the phone for the first time since he'd left, and talk to him through Facetime.  It was very cool to see Matt and Sam talk about military things and basic training stuff.  As they said goodbye to each other over facetime I couldn't help but think that it is likely that Matt will be in Afghanistan when Sam graduates, and who knows when they will see each other again. 

I don't know when everyone grew up, but all the sudden we all have our own lives and its sort of sad.  But it was great to be with family and friends over the holiday.  The times we spend apart will just make the few oppertunites we all get to be together even better I suppose.

Well that is really all I have for now.  I'm hoping to add pictures from the weekend as soon as Dad puts them on Facebook.  But for now I need to focus on finishing my last two weeks of school.  I'm sure the time is going to fly by way to quickly and I have so much to do before the semester ends.


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