A Brand New Year

Well we are a bit into January now, but the year is till quite young, and I think that it is still a good time to reflect a little on the past year.

As I've mentioned a couple times recently the past year held a lot of changes in my life, particularly during May and June.  I graduated from Judson at the beginning of May

...and then three weeks later my brother, Matt, got married.

P.S. This picture isn't mine!  I take no credit.  It's Mrs. Grasso's.

Just a month after that, on June 25th, I left for basic training in Fort Sill, OK and then (finally) graduated September 13th.

...and of course since then my life has been completely different then it had been before.  I've been in California since mid-September and will be here for at least another nine months (so about a year total).  

Really though, it would take quite a while to really get into what has happened in my life over the past year.  I found a 30 day questionnaire thing (yes, yes, I know my track record with such things is rather dismal, however I am going to try anyways) that I'm going to go through just to sort of get caught up on where I am here at the beginning of 2014.  So here it is:

Oh, by the way, its oriented towards tumblr so some of the questions might not make complete sense but I think it work out.


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