Some thoughts on Trump and his 'mean words'
So, I'm pretty much over this election already, as I'm sure many of you are as well. I don't like either of the presidential candidates and I really don't know how we even got to this point in our country (although I gotta be honest and say that I think America is going to get exactly what it deserves whichever way this election goes). Anyways... that being said I just felt the need to say one quick thing because its something that has been bothering me lately since this last round of scandals with these tapes of Trump being released. And mostly this is directed to my christian, republican friends who, like me, have found themselves cringing every time Trump's name is mentioned and wonder who on earth ever voted for this guy in the first place, cause it certainly wasn't ME, and yet the idea of voting for Clinton is equally cringe-worthy. So here goes.
(Disclaimer: If you feel like this is directed at you, it probably is. I don't have anybody particular in mind as I write this, I'm not trying to 'call out' anyone on my friends list or anything like that, but if it applies to you, then its directed at you.)
The lesser of two evils is still evil. I've seen a lot of new posts popping up comparing Trump's 'mean words' to Hilary's many perceived transgressions, both recent and ancient. These people are so desperate to hold on to the conservative platform (this is not a bad thing) that they are essentially condoning some pretty horrible things because, hey, at least its not..... fill in the blank (this is a bad thing.)
This is wrong. Evil is still evil, and wrong is still wrong. Sure, fine, you don't want to support Hilary. Okay fine neither do I (I don't want to support Trump either thought. Conundrum.) But voting for Trump doesn't mean that you have to support his behavior. Think about the example you are setting. Either you actually don't care about this behavior, in which case you are as disgusting as he is, or you are willing to lower your own morals and compromise because it 'could be worse.' But there is another option. You can say 'this is not acceptable behavior' or 'it is wrong to talk about women like that'
For a very long time, I think, conservative and christian have gone hand and hand. For a long time (until relatively recently) the American culture and Christianity have been pretty (mostly) compatible. Not anymore, people. Its time to wake up. Its time to remember that we are called to be CHRIST-FOLLOWERS before we even think about being Trump or Hilary followers. Sadly this election leaves us pretty bereft of options as far as combining our faith and our political point of view so we are actually going to have to put on our thinking hats, remember what it is that we really believe is right and is wrong, and decide accordingly instead of just blindly supporting the Republican candidate cause that's what we do! No. Bad. I'm not saying you should vote for Hilary. I'm not saying you should vote for Trump. I'm not saying you shouldn't. What I am saying is that even if you decide that a conservative government is the best way to go, that doesn't mean that you can't, at the same time, do the right thing, and say that what Trump says and how he acts is disgusting and wrong. Because it is.
Oh and one more thing. This is why millennial (and beyond) Americans hate republican 'Christians'. Because of this sort of hypocrisy right here. And I don't blame them. If you are a male leader in a church and you are not condemning Trump's actions (or ANYONE who acts like this, presidential candidate or otherwise) then you are wrong and you are part of the problem not the solution.
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