Days Two and Three

Updates on the bathroom!

I was barely home yesterday (school supply give away at church in the morning, brides maids dress shopping after that and then I went to see the Bourne Legacy), but thankfully Dad was willing to do some work while I was gone!  

Today Mom and I did some shopping for paint and accessories etc, and again Dad was willing to put in some hours for us!

Between the two days he got the walls prepped for painting, which should start tomorrow!  Yesterday Dad got all the extra wall paper off from the walls and around the trim, and took the mirror down.  The bathroom seems so much smaller without the mirror!!

To make the walls as smooth and uniform as possible for painting, Dad put up some plain white wallpaper and then put some mud over the seems.  

So tonight he is going to sand all the seems down and make everything nice and smooth.  And then tomorrow we'll start painting!  My goal is to do the primer tomorrow, and then at least one coat of the eggshell Plum Blossom paint

 as well as the Lace Cap color which will go on the bottom (and doesn't need to wait for the primer).

Tomorrow I'll (hopefully) have pictures of the paint on the walls and I'll take some of our new towel racks and door knobs. 

By Tuesday we'll hopefully finish the high-gloss pattern and get the mirror back up, attach all the fun new accessories, and be all done by Mom's party on Wednesday!


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