I'm feeling very proud of myself and just wanted to share with everyone!

Persistence pays off! I heard a song on the season finale of Burn Notice last Thursday and I like it, so I tried to catch the lyrics and google it. Well I heard the lyrics wrong and only had two lines to go off of and I didn't have any luck. So then on Saturday, the boys and I were watching the same episode while stuffing papers (because Matt hadn't seen it yet) and the song came on and I remembered that I liked it, so I actually listened a little closer, and ended up rewinding a few times (hurray for TiVo) and still didn't have much luck (ok, any luck at all). I tried searching for music from the season finale instead of searching using the lyrics and all sorts of other stuff and still had no luck. So FINALLY tonight, I am lying in bed, bored, when I remember the song! So I try one more time to google the lyrics. No luck. I google "music from the season finale of burn notice" or something like that, and I see a question about another song on some yahoo page or something. So I go to investigate and low and behold there it is!!! My song!!!! I figured it would show up sooner of later.

The song is Time Bomb by Jessy Greene. You can find her (and the song) on Myspace and youtube (though not on the site usually use to find music, which I was bummed about till I found her myspace page). Its a cool song, and I like the lyrics (which is a requirement for a song to be cool to me, if I hadn't mentioned anything about that before. Now you know). I'll put the lyrics here, and a link to the song. Why not!

(btw... I had two cups of coffee at bible study earlier... its almost midnight and I'm not tired AT ALL. thank goodness I don't have to get up early tomorrow).



Verse 1:
Come to me the moon is closer
Then your eyes (then your eyes)
I can barley see through the cracks that shines out my scars
Sirens scream in vein
I have already died a million times inside

I surrender
Shoot me down
No bullet could
Stop me now

My love does not depend
On anyone or anything
It will never die

Verse 2:
Ticking like a time bomb
Soon to blow away
I am not you
You are not me
It still plays
I could say i love you
If only for a day
amongst this sunken ship
I am drowning in

I surrender
Shoot me down
No bullet could
Stop me now

My love does not depend
On anyone or anything
It will never die

Ticking like a time bomb
Ticking like a time bomb
Ticking like a time bomb
Ticking like a time bomb

I surrender
Shoot me down
No bullet could
Stop me now

My love does not depend
On anyone or anything
It will never die

Tick Tock Tick Tock
Tick Tock Tick Tock


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