Playing with Pictures

This post has no point other then to allow me to experiment with putting pictures into a post. First let me say that I didn't take these pictures, I don't actually know who did (probably Jodi or Anne). But anyways... they were on my camera when I got it back and I thought they were cool and good to experiment with. Alright, now that that's all taken care of...

Ok so first of all, that takes forever! I get so impatient when I upload photos. Anywho... its pretty easy otherwise. Thank goodness for smart people who figure out how to make things like putting pictures in easy for dumb people.

The macro setting on my camera is the coolest thing to play with. It takes really good up close pictures. The one above is an escrima... the one below is the end of a bamboo stick thing...

So yes, thats fun. Not too hard to figure out either. Lets think, what else could I ramble about? Just to fill space and make it look cool.

How about, I have some of the coolest friends in the world. That works. They all took time today to make video's of my curriculum today. Its just cool to know that they did it just for ME. I don't know... it makes me feel special. haha.

Well I think this looks good for a first try and not really having anything to write. I'm getting tired and my movie is just about over. Ok it just ended. So I'll stop rambling for tonight.


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