another update

I had my first day of work tonight. It was alright. Not a very hard job at all. Its pretty boring actually. The register is easier then at McDondalds. All you have to do is scan the items, not find them on the menu. Pretty simple. So yeah, that's that. Its a job. I am definitely planning on starting a class at the church, seeing how that goes and going from there. I know now that I don't want to work at a regular job like that for any longer then necessarily. But I need the money, its better then the dumb paper route, and will work for now I suppose. Just more motivation to get a school and actually be able to do what I want to do. You know I was thinking, I keep saying that some day I want to grow up and be a martial arts instructor... well at some point in time, that day has to come. Why not now? I mean why wait till Jr. Dan if I can do it now? I got to figure it out someday and its not like I am going to wake up the day after I get my Jr Dan knowing how to do everything I need to do to run a school. Alright well no more random rambling for tonight. I am sooooooooooooooooo tired. I drove up to Cleveland yesterday, then from Cleveland all the way down to Columbus, then all around Columbus, then back to my house. Wayyyy to much time in the car and it wore me out!!! Then today I drove to Cleveland and back again. yuck. So I am ready for bed already. PLUS I am sick, I have a cold and a really small sore throat that I just can't seem to kick. BLAH.


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