Some thoughts on Trump and his 'mean words'
So, I'm pretty much over this election already, as I'm sure many of you are as well. I don't like either of the presidential candidates and I really don't know how we even got to this point in our country (although I gotta be honest and say that I think America is going to get exactly what it deserves whichever way this election goes). Anyways... that being said I just felt the need to say one quick thing because its something that has been bothering me lately since this last round of scandals with these tapes of Trump being released. And mostly this is directed to my christian, republican friends who, like me, have found themselves cringing every time Trump's name is mentioned and wonder who on earth ever voted for this guy in the first place, cause it certainly wasn't ME, and yet the idea of voting for Clinton is equally cringe-worthy. So here goes. (Disclaimer: If you feel like this is directed at you, it probably is. I don't have anybody particular in...