Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. (Lou Holtz)

So I learned a lesson today. It was about attitude. I learned it in an interesting way, by looking up quotes online. Its a new favorite pastime of mine. I have a whole big list of them to use for my blog. One of the categories is attitude. So I looked, and I really liked what I found. And then I wrote a three page letter because of what I learned, and about what I learned, and hopefully so that I won't forget what I learned. I thought about posting the letter, but its kind of personal and directed towards a specific group of people so I don't think I'm gonna do that. I don't really have the energy or the desire to go over all that again, so I am trying to find the quickest, most succinct way to share my thoughts from the day.

In case you don't know, I'm taking a break from Musado. That's what my post from yesterday was about. The decision was made on Wednesday. It wasn't my decision, but I agreed to it. I don't think I would have ever made a decision to take a break on my own, but it is necessary, and the only way it would have happened is by someone else making it for me. There are a few reasons why I am taking a break. Some of them have to do with me and some issues that I have to deal with in my own personal life. Some of them have to do with letting some healing take place in some other areas. So yeah, there's that. I don't really have anything else to say about it for tonight. I am all written out I think.

I will expound a little more on what I learned about attitude however. Essentially, it's this. You're attitude can influence your situation. Or, your situation can affect your attitude. The first option is you winning. The second is you getting your butt kicked. Your attitude can also affect the people around you. Attitude is exteremly powerful. And, your attitude is one thing in any situation that you have control over. For example, I really don't have a choice over whether I take this break or not. I don't even have a choice of when I get to come back. But, I do have a choice of what my attitude is during this time. I can either be angry the whole time, and refuse to learn anthing from it, or I can choose to learn and grow and be an amazing, different person at the end of it. Of course, that won't happen by my own power, it'll happen by letting God work in me.

So there it is. I'm really tired, I woke up way to early this morning, couldn't really get back to bed, and couldn't fall asleep again when I tried to take a nap. So I'm going to leave it at that. I will keep updating as I go through this journey. If anything, I plan on using this blog to be a reminder to myself of what my goals are for this time. Those who are interested can follow along if they want.


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