The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired in the first half. (Fyodor Dostoevsky)

I am never any good at coming up with titles to posts or emails and stuff like that so I've decided that I am just going to fine a random quote each day and use that. The website I am currently getting my quotes from is, just in case anyone was wondering.

So I have decided on a basic format for my morning posts. I'm going to try to write about what I am hoping or expecting the day will look like in the morning, and then later that night I will go back and say how things really went. Aside from the quote every day, I'm also going to include updates on any books I'm reading for leisure, and what I think of them, as well as any books and different things I may be studying that are interesting for martial arts or other things, weather for the day, and plans for the day. Each post I make in the morning should have the same basic format and then possibly some extra ramblings that may spill over from the day before. This will all be starting today... in the next paragraph actually.


Weather for Tuesday, Feb. 10
High: 56 Low:48
Well its 47 right now..... so that's a little off.

Plans for the Day (aka things I'll talk about later)
  • Clean room
  • Clean out car (since its semi-warm out)
  • Japanese Dinner Night is tonight. YAY!
  • Figure out life
What I'm reading
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Ok... no one shoot me. I am not a huge Twilight fan. I really don't get it. Yes, I have read all the books up to Breaking Dawn. But I didn't read them because I am in any way shape or form obsessed with Edward Cullen or Vampires or anything else. I find them to be reasonably entertaining to read and I really am curious to see what it is that every body else sees in these books. Haven't found it yet. Bella drives me absolutely nuts. She is dumb. And Edward drives me nuts because he puts up with it! Anyways... I don't want to end up on a hit list anywhere because of my sentiments so I will stop there and move on...

Other reading/studying
Confucianism (studying)

I'm working on my presentation for martial arts right now. At each rank we are required to read a certain chapter or chapters from a Korean History and Culture Manual that is part of our curriculum and then give a presentation on something from what we read. I decided to give my presentation on Confucianism this rank. I love studying how religion/ways of thought influences culture or vice versa. I'll post my finished presentation here as best as I can when I have it all put together.


So the temperature has gone up 4 degrees since I wrote the temperature down earlier. Wow. (I don't know why, but I am a bit obsessed with the temperature. I probably check it every two hours just to see. I don't really care about the rest of the weather forecast for the most part... just how warm its supposed to be.)


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