and so it starts

Hello world!

I have a confession to make--you're not my first.

This is in fact, my second attempt at a blog. I can only hope that I will be able to take what I learned from my first experience and do better this time.

My problem with blogs, and journals in general, is that there is always something going on in my life. It seems to me that regardless of what I want to share with the world, there is always some sort of further explanation to the situation that needs to be given. And, before I know it, I am sharing my entire life's story. I don't think anyone wants to hear that. My goal is to find a solution to this problem and apply that solution to this blog!

I'm really not concerned with who reads this. I don't know if anyone will. But, I intend to write every post as if I am writing to 1000 readers who hang on my every word. Who knows, maybe someday that will be the case (its one of my steps to world domination--start with the blogging community and move on from there).

World domination will have to wait. I just got a call from a friend. She's looking for someone to take pictures of her horse for her.

I hope that anyone who stumbles upon this little blog will enjoy it and at the very least be entertained by my writing and my life.


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