Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for (Epicurus).

I'm not really sure how much of a post this will turn out to be. I originally intended to just stop by and say sorry for not writing anything in a while. Not much has really happened though. I am still job searching, and I am starting to work on some new goals and habits I've set for myself so that I don't just sit around doing nothing all day. So yeah that's life for now. We're having a prayer meeting tomorrow here at the house with some musado friends. I'm looking forward to it. We had one in January sometime and it was just a really good time with a good group of people. I've actually been keeping fairly busy with friends and just doing random stuff around the house and such. I'm handling life a lot better then I thought I would be. Which is incredibly nice. Thank God. I thought I was going to be an emotional mess. That wouldn't have been very much fun at all. But, the last two and a half weeks have gone unbelievably fast. I can't believe its already March. It seems like it was just yesterday that all this started. That's a good thing though I suppose. It means I can get through this. It won't seem like that long at all... right? Well, for the moment at least, I am feeling really hopeful about the time to come.

This brings me to my quote. Like I said, I wasn't really planning on a long post originally, but I wanted to find a quote to put, just cause its been a while. And I tried to find one from my list that was just interesting or funny or something, but didn't have a lot of meaning. Well that didn't really work out because I didn't put any quotes like that on my list, I only put ones that had meaning to me on there. And this one in paticular seemed like a good one for tonight.

Like I said before, I'm working on a list of some goals and stuff that I want to try to accomplish during this time. Some are new things that I came up with the last week or so, but some of them are things that I've been wanting to do for a while and haven't had the chance or motivation or time/freedom to do before. Now, I have the chance to do all these things. I never would have if my life hadn't changed so drastically. They are really good things too, habits that could impact the rest of my life. If I can build up a strong, new base for my life, then things will be better when I get back then when I left. Thats kind of my main, overlying (I don't know if that's a word. Or if its the word I'm looking for. But I think it is. haha) goal. To be a better, stronger person at the end of all this. Let's see... here's some of what I wrote in my personal journal about this...

"My overall hope/goal is to come back and be more mature. I want to be stronger, and more confident, build good habits--just to grow and blossom as a woman during this time...
I want to shine during this time. I don't want my circumstances to defeat me."

Yeah, so that's pretty much my driving force for right now. I'm kind of distracted right now. I feel like I have a lot to say but I can't get it into words. Or I just don't have the energy to. Anyways, I'm sure it will come up again haha.

So there's where I'm at in life right now. I'm not really expecting anything to exciting or immediate (except for maybe a job). Slow and steady, right? Time to put all this discipline I supposedly have to work in making a better me. hehe. Alright thats all for now. I'm heading to bed here shortly. l8ter


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