A little bit of History

So I got a little bored today and decided to go through some old school work of mine. It was pretty funny remembering all the things I wanted to be when I "grew up", such as an archeologist, a farmer, an ice skater, and a private investigator. Despite all the differences in my career goals, throughout the years my favorite activities have remained the same--reading, art, and physical activities of some kind or the other, all of which are still true today. Anotherthing that has stayed the same over many years and grades seem to be my math skills. I nearly laughed when I looked at the test results from my second grade Iowa Test. The results are almost exactly the same as my ACT test results 10 years later. My language and reading scores are high, while my math and science skills are barely where they are supposed to be. I suppose some things never change. I looked through old artwork as well. My art teacher in my 8th and 9th grades taught me so much about art that I will never forget. I really loved her class and enjoyed looking back over some of the work I did in her class. I'll post some of them here. I didn't take any more art classes after that until my Foundations Art class my first semester as a Post-Secondary at Wayne College. Another teacher and class that fed my love of art, and stayed with me until recently when I decided to go for a Fine Art Degree. Oh yes, there's another career change. Remember what I said about changing my mind every two weeks? Well it happened again. Rather then enrolling in classes to be a nurse, I've decided to go to the University of Akron's Fine Art's school for A BFA in Graphic Design I start in January and I'm quite excited.

Well this has turned into quite alittle update. I plan on giving a more complete update after Christmas but hopefully before I start school. I'll post my song later after College Aged Bible Study tonight.


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